Clear local storage on a Player
This article explains how to clear local storage on OnSign players.
Whenever any issues/error appear like "unable to download file on the device" then local storage is cleared. Clearing local storage helps free up space on the device by removing some temporary files stored on the device.
- Login to OnSign

- Go to players and open the player on which you want run the local storage campaign

- Go to campaigns in player

- Click on "Publish campaign to player"

- Click on select playlists or campaigns

- Search for "local storage" in the search bar

- Select the campaign and click on confirm

- Select "Play on demand" and click on "publish"

- Click on the play button to run the campaign and clear the local cache on the player

- You will see this screen and campaigns will resume playing

If you don't get a "Local storage" campaign then follow the below method to create one
- Go to the content section and click on "New" and select "App"

- Go to custom and search for "Local storage" and select the app

- Name the app and click on save

- This will save the app in the content section
- Go back to the content section and search for the app name "Local storage cleaner"

- Right click on the app and select "New Campaign"

- Give a campaign name "Local storage cleaner campaign " and click on "Create campaign"

- Click on "Save and publish"

- Click on "publish to players"

- Search and select the player and select "Play on demand" and click on publish

- Click on the player

- Select "campaigns in player"

- Under triggered campaigns you will find the Local storage cleaner campaign that you have published

- Click on the play button to run the campaign and clear the local cache on the player

- You will see this screen and campaigns will resume playing