How to create fallback campaign

How to create fallback campaign

How to create fallback campaign

This document describes the procedure for creating a fallback campaign;

Play campaigns only when other campaigns are scheduled not to be. If a player has a campaign scheduled as always, fallback will never play. Useful to play institutional campaigns during maintenance.

1. Login to OnSign with given Username and Password

2. Go to content section and open/create the folder where you want to create the campaign

3. Click on the "New" option which is in orange color and select Campaign

4. Fill in all the necessary information. Change the location of the campaign if required.

5.  Here you can select the existing Screen Layout as required or you can create a custom layout for the campaign with different division sizes

6.  To create a custom layout click on "Add Custom Layout"

7. A pop up will appear on the screen where you can create a customized layout with different sizes as required. Fill in the name, select device orientation, and resolution. 

Screen division allows you to create divisions with different sizes and you can adjust it with X/Y-axis and with help of Width and Height option given.

Add division option allows you to add one more division to the screen layout.

8. This is the timeline section where you can add any content from the content section


9. The "Music" Icon option in the timeline allows you to enable/disable the audio to the whole campaign

10. The Manual option in the timeline allows you to set the campaign time to manual mode where you can adjust the contents length in the manual mode, but in case of automatic mode once you add the contents the length of the campaign will stop where the contents end in the timeline. Also you can enter the length of the campaign you want directly in Seconds format like "30" .

11. This option will allow you to Zoom/Zoom out the timeline contents by dragging it to the left or right.

12. To add any content file (Image, Video, App etc.) in the timeline you need to drag and drop the content to the timeline from the content section by searching the name of the file or by locating the folder. 

13. If you want to increase/decrease the duration of the file/content you can drag it from the corner to right to increase and left to decrease the duration.


14. You can edit the content by clicking on it, this will allow you to change the settings like duration, transition etc. (This options depends on the type of file you have added to the timeline). If you want to remove the file/content you can click on remove.

15. There will be one or more divisions in the timeline based on the layout you have selected

16. While adding the content to the divisions in the timeline you should add content/file in the division as per its dimension/size 

17. To check the dimension, hover your mouse over the division icon

18. There is also an individual option on each timeline where you can mute/unmute or lock/unlock that specific timelines content by hovering your mouse over the division icon 

19. Remember when you lock the one division in the timeline, you will not be able to change or modify the layout. To change or  modify the layout you need to unlock the timelines division that you have locked. Locking is helpful to ensure that there are no accidental changes once a timeline is finalized. 

20. There is a preview button which will allow you view the campaign that you have created before you publish. Preview the campaign to make sure everything is in order.

21. To publish the campaign click on the Save and Publish button.

22. Click on publish to player 

23. Select the player by searching the name in which you want to publish, you can publish once campaign to one or more players at a time


 24. Select "Play on Fallback Loop"

25. Select when, where and what type of tags does the player should have where the campaign will need to be played

26. At the last Click on Publish. Now your campaign is published to a player.

27. You will see a pop up showing successfully published.

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