Note: Versions of this application prior to version 2.02 were call "High Density", or "High Density Schedule"
High Density Schedule App with Columnar Flight Board Style Layout. Supports 1-15 Rows Per Page and the Ability to Selectively Display Different Columns. Supports Displaying Bay Assignments
Language Tab
Will change how test, dates, and numbers appear in the app.
App Labels:
Labels and text that appear in the application can be changed from their default settings here.
Settings Tab
App name:
A unique application name must be given to each instance of an app in order to save it.
Tags can be used to further identify an instance of an application.
Choose Route Overwrite Data Feed:
A overwrite data feed can be chosen to change what is displayed in the application for a particular piece of data or add details that are not in the API URL data.
Choose Column Order Data Feed:
A data feed can be used to select which columns are shown and the order in which they are shown. It can also be used to change the text size, width, and title of columns.
API Config
Warning: Changes made to API configuration can cause the application to stop working.
API Structure:
The API structure that corresponds to the atop API URL must be selected here.
The stop API URL where the application gets data about stops and the upcoming routes serving stops goes here.
Routes API URL:
A routes API URL that gives additional information about routes that is nor included with the stop URL
Functional Config
General Style Config
Table Row Style Config